Complaint against: Defendents, Ebay, inc, corporate location: 2145 Hamilton ave San Jose, California, 95125; Paypal, Corporate location: Ebay play ground north, 2211 North First Street, San Jose, Ca, 95131 was filed in the United States District Court. For Violation under: The Sherman Antitrust Act (Sherman Act,[1] Jul 2, 1890, ch. 647, twenty-six Stat. 209, fifteen U.S.C. 1-7 ETC… This justice...

Future Technological Developments will Give Digital Communication a ‘Face’
This blog has been written by Jacqueline Rose, a features writer from Lifting Gear UK. […] This blog has been written by Jacqueline Rose, a features writer from Lifting Gear UK. As the generations Y and Z (born between 1977 – 2012) grew up naturally with the internet, mobile phones and social networks, technology became an integral part of human...

Warming Up the Schwa
I’m writing this in late April, very excited about making Schwa Fire live. The website is mostly together, as is...

We’re Up!
And we’re launched! Thanks to a whole bunch of folks, Schwa Fire the website is live, and emails from Creatavist/Atavist...