Month: <span>August 2020</span>

Home 2020 August
Ebay and Paypal Settled For Millions For Deception But Continue to Deceive the Public

Ebay and Paypal Settled For Millions For Deception But Continue to Deceive the Public

Complaint against: Defendents, Ebay, inc, corporate location: 2145 Hamilton ave San Jose, California, 95125; Paypal, Corporate location: Ebay play ground north, 2211 North First Street, San Jose, Ca, 95131 was filed in the United States District Court. For Violation under: The Sherman Antitrust Act (Sherman Act,[1] Jul 2, 1890, ch. 647, twenty-six Stat. 209, fifteen...


Use a Money Clip With Your Carhartt Wallet

A money clip, also known as a debit card or a Prepaid Card, is a little device typically utilized to save cards and money in a compact manner for individuals who don’t want to carry around a bulky wallet. These small devices are usually clipped onto the individual’s fingers in order to use it at...

Have clear information with the help of technological surveys

Have clear information with the help of technological surveys

There can be many types of question, which can be asked in the technological survey. Technology surveys are done for many different purposes. The core reason is finding information about technological use and its comfort. Many companies prefer to use this method to know the proper information and level. There can be many different methods...